
Friday, July 7, 2017

Medical missionary boasts healing catastrophic diseases

Medical Missionary Mamon Wilson discusses homeopathic (or natural) remedies with
seminar participants at Breath Of Life Seventh Day Adventist Church. (Photos by Wiley Henry)
What Mamon Wilson has been able to accomplish with homeopathic medicine is beyond comprehension – particularly since he’s not a medical doctor or the conferee of a medical degree from a prestigious medical school.
What he is credentialed in is treating patients stricken with catastrophic diseases with holistic, natural and plant-based medicines derived from nature’s botanical garden: seeds, berries, roots, leaves, flowers, fruits, herbs, etc.
“I never had any schooling. [But] I’ve trained a lot of doctors and medical missionaries,” said Wilson, one of three facilitators focusing on the theme “Better Health & Body,” a seminar held nightly at Breath Of Life Seventh Day Adventist Church June 25-30.
 “They think I’ve been to medical school. Everything I know came from the Holy Spirit,” added Wilson, a medical missionary who has wowed the medical establishment for 46 years with his insight and keen knowledge of natural remedies.
From left: the Rev. Mark Hyde, the "Bible Patrol Man," and
seminar facilitators Dr. Franco Taylor and Mason Wilson.
Wilson was at the podium that Monday and Tuesday night speaking forthrightly to an inquisitive audience eager to learn about alternative treatments to illnesses and diseases that he opines has confounded the best of medical doctors.
On Wednesday, Dr. Franco Taylor, a master herbalist and international health educator, followed Wilson, his mentor and teacher.
Clinel Walker, a life coach, medical missionary and chef trained at Wildwood Lifestyle Center in Wildwood, Ga., completed the seminar.
“Drugs don’t cure. Doctors manage diseases. They don’t cure diseases,” contends Wilson, then referencing Matthews 10:8: “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.”  
Wilson is reputed worldwide. “I’m working everywhere now: India, Africa, South America, Europe. I’ve been to London I don’t know how many times,” he said. “I’m scheduled to go to New Zealand, Fiji Islands, Australia....”
A man with a huge tumor protruding from his face had practically given up hope until he heard about Wilson, who showed the audience the monstrosity during his PowerPoint presentation.  
“The man wanted me to remove the tumor,” the missionary recalls. “I told him I didn’t have the experience. But he said he believed in me. He had faith.”
Because of the man’s faith, Wilson said the tumor was successfully removed. “My goal is to get people to live right, eat right, and the Holy Spirit will guide them in the right direction.”
 “I believe it works,” said Gloria Singleton, attending the seminar with her younger sister, Vickie Fulton. “I started reading about herbs and plants 20 years ago trying to stay healthy the homeopathic way.”
Fulton, a firm believer herself, attended a month-long medical missionary training class last year at Wilson’s Centurion Ministry/Bible School of Health in Savannah, Tenn., an accredited school located approximately 116 miles from Memphis.
“I learned a lot about the healing process of the body,” said Fulton, a vegetarian who once struggled with body pain. “Mamon taught us to be in tune with our bodies. The healing is in nutritious foods.”
Singleton and Fulton relied on Mamon’s homeopathic remedies when their mother, Willie Bell Fulton, was gravely ill, bed-ridden, and told by doctors that she only had three days to live.
With Wilson’s guidance, Fulton said her mother defied the doctors’ prognosis and lived more than three weeks after her diet was changed and medicine bottles discarded.
“We were blessed that he helped us with Mom,” said Fulton, growing her own backyard vegetable garden and following Wilson’s prescribed homeopathic remedies for good health.
Wilson is making headway in the field of natural medicine. But there was a humble beginning. What inspired him was reading a book that was given to him called “The Ministry Of Healing.”
He once studied at the former Memphis Academy of Arts (now the Memphis College of Art) and obsessed with painting. But his career aspirations changed as he dove deeper into the art of healing.
The change didn’t come, however, until he left Memphis, his hometown, and moved to the mountains in East Tennessee at the onset of his ministry and lived five years in a rustic log cabin that he built from pine trees.
“There was no running water, no indoor toilet, nothing like that, just a wood stove,” he said. “It gave me five years’ time to appreciate nature, to learn about the trees, the bushes, herbs. I gained a new experience. The Holy Spirit was my teacher.”
While sojourning with nature, Wilson studied Indian herbal medicine, Russian folk medicine, tropical medicine, the Bible, and other books to fortify himself with knowledge and the Holy Spirit.
But he has not forgotten what drove him into homeopathy in the first place.
“My mother had lung cancer; she was a smoker. I asked the doctor if he could fix it. He said it couldn’t be fixed.”
Wilson was nine years old then and made a commitment to God that he would one day find a cure for cancer.
“God told me very clearly that, ‘I want you to take the most difficult cases in the world, because if you take the most difficult cases you’d have no competition.’”
Wilson complied and has since treated patients over the years with brain cancer, bone cancer, breast cancer, and prostrate cancer.
“God was with me every step,” he said.

(Mamon Wilson can be reached at Centurion Bible School of Health, P.O. Box 1302, Savannah, Tenn. 38372 or by telephone at 931-724-2246)

1 comment:

  1. I have had a clinic in Guinea Bissau, West Africa for ten years and use only natural medicine for all the tropical diseases. I am not a doctor but have seen God heal the toughest of diseases with herbs and plants and some medicines like colloidal silver and MMS. Even diseases like asthma, hemmroids, skin aliments, kidney stones, diabetes...everything...with natural meds.
